How Schools can use the Aztute Solution
Return to in-school learning is vitally important for the healthy development and well-being of students. Protecting their teachers and families is also important.
The Aztute solution allows schools to open safely and helps achieve the emotional, psychological, and educational benefits of in-person learning. This is accomplished by:
Enabling a high level of automation and comprehensive data collection to monitor the implementation of the risk-based protocols that call for frequent testing of the students, teachers, and staff.
Combining the data collection in schools with local EPI data to enable forecasting and predictive analytics allowing educators to craft data-driven policy and open schools safely and efficiently, while minimizing the detrimental impact on students’ social and learning objectives.
Establishing epidemiological records for individual students to derive a holistic picture of vaccination rates across schools and to gauge a more precise understanding of the population-level immunity.
Comparing of protocol effectiveness across schools in a district, across districts, at the state level, and among states to guide improvement of policies and procedures in schools. One way to achieve this would be by evaluating policies employed by districts with low rates of infection and subsequently applying those successful practices and policies in schools with higher rates of infection.
Enabling effective contact tracing, so that if an individual tests positive for COVID-19, an alert can go out to their contacts, notifying the other individuals who were potentially exposed that someone in their contact group tested positive.
Securely sharing health data with public health authorities, as required.
Keeping Students Safe & Healthy: Invest in Schools, Invest in Future
Learn more how technology can help keep students and staff safe and healthy.
A Partnership to Keep Communities Safe and Healthy
This partnership brings both data and science to help fight the pandemic but also keep the communities safe and healthy while preparing for future public health crises.
Enterprise Solution Built with Precision
What is Precision Public Health?
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